Põlva St. Mary's Church In Estonia: History,Facts, & Services

Põlva St. Mary's Church In Estonia is a 16th century Lutheran church located in the small town of Põlva, in southern Estonia. It is historically important as an example of a parish church preserved from the earliest period of Protestantism in Estonia. It is the oldest church still active in the Põlva area and is listed on the National Register of Historic Monuments of Estonia. It is one of the best churches in Estonia which you must visit.


The first record of a church in Põlva dates to 1555 and was likely built just after the local Lüganuse Monastery was destroyed in 1554. The new church was built as a part of the propagation of the Lutheran faith. It was renovated by the famous architect Heinrich Reinhold Gothe in 1783, and then restored to its original form in 1986. This is why, it is considered one of the oldest churches in Estonia.


Here are some facts about the Põlva St. Mary's Church In Estonia: History,Facts, & Services.These facts will help you understand why it is on the list of the best churches in Estonia
The church is a single nave building measuring 52 m long, and 13.5 m wide and 12.5 m tall. It has cruciform shape with towers on alle four corners. The walls are of timber construction filled with blocks of limestone, while its floor is made of brick and stone. It has a baroque interior with wooden wall paintings that depict scenes from the Bible. It also has an organ from 1895 and several memorials, including a memorial to the victims of the Estonian War of Independence.

The church is used as a place of worship and conducts regular services in Estonian. It is also a popular tourist attraction and hosts several festivals and special events throughout the year.This beautiful church in Estonia has made a lot of significance in the past.

Explore Estonia most popular tourist destination with us. Põlva St. Mary's Church In Estonia: History,Facts, & Services,which is 0 km away from Estonia main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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Põlva Estonia

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