Tallinna Elujõe kogudus In Estonia: History,Facts, & Services

Tallinna Elujõe kogudus is a congregation of the Estonian Evangelical Lutheran Church located in Tallinn, Estonia. It was founded in 1567 and is one of the oldest churches in Tallinn. It has been known as a place of spiritual refuge and a sanctuary for worshipers, refugees, and scholars from all over the world. Today, its mission is to be a community of faith in which the members are inspired by traditional values, committed to just and gracious living, and encouraged to use their lives in the service of others. The church serves the local community through ministries such as their food pantry, Sunday School, and youth ministry. In addition, they offer a range of services, such as baptisms, weddings, funerals, and counselling. The congregation is also very active in advocating for human rights, social justice, and peace in the region.

Explore Estonia most popular tourist destination with us. Tallinna Elujõe kogudus In Estonia: History,Facts, & Services,which is 0 km away from Estonia main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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Tallinn Estonia

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