Tartu St. Georg's Church In Estonia: History,Facts, & Services

Tartu St. Georg's Church in Estonia is an Estonian Evangelical Lutheran Church. The church is one of the oldest churches in Tartu, dating back to 1320. It is situated on the left side of the river Emajõgi, just a few minutes' walk from the center of the city. The church is a symbol of Estonian national identity, being the site of many important events during the period of Estonian independence. Tartu St. Georg's Church was originally built in the Gothic style in 1320 by the Order of the Brothers of the Swan. The original structure consisted of two parts, which were combined into one church in 1394. Throughout the centuries, the church has been through numerous renovations and expansions, the last one being in 1820. The church has four altars, numerous museum work articles, and a large pipe organ. A notable feature of the church is its front onion dome. The church has been an important part of Estonian history, especially during the period of national awakening. In the 19th century, it hosted events such as the first Estonian Students' Day, the coronation of Tsar Nicholas II of the Russian Empire, and the first meeting of the Estonian Doctors' Society. In 1919, the Estonian Declaration of Independence was signed at Tartu St. Georg's Church, making it an important part of the national memory. The services at Tartu St. Georg's Church are typically held in Estonian and are presided over by the pastor of the Church. During Sunday services, the church offers religious education for children. Weekly worship services are held on Wednesdays at 6.30pm, followed by Bible study at 7.30pm. Other services include baptisms, confirmation classes, and Sunday services for students. The church also offers a range of additional activities, such as study groups and book clubs.

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