Old Believers Prayer House In Estonia: History,Facts, & Services

Old Believers Prayer House In Estonia is a church located in Tartu, Estonia. It is a Russian Orthodox church which was built in 1789 by the Old Believer faithful. The Old Believers were a religious group that separated from the Russian Orthodox church in the 17th Century. They built their church on the grounds of a former monastery to provide a place of worship for their congregation. The church has served its members faithfully for over two centuries. Today, it houses an active congregation of around 100 people who still practice Ancient Orthodox rites and celebrate the Slavic holidays. Services are held in both Old Believer and other Eastern Christian traditions. A wide variety of liturgies, services, and rituals can be attended by all regardless of their religious background. The Old Believers Prayer House is open to visitors of all backgrounds who may want to observe the religious traditions of the church and learn about its rich history.

Explore Estonia most popular tourist destination with us. Old Believers Prayer House In Estonia: History,Facts, & Services,which is 0 km away from Estonia main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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Tallinn. Estonia

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