Tallinn Pentecost Church Eelim In Estonia: History,Facts, & Services

Tallinn Pentecost Church Eelim In Estonia is a Pentecostal Church located in the capital city of Tallinn, Estonia. Founded in 1988, the church was started as a congregation of the Pentecostal Church of Finland and was adopted by the Pentecostal Church of Estonia in 2014 when the church was incorporated into the Estonian Union of Pentecostal Churches and joined the Fellowship of Pentecostal Churches of Europe. The church is committed to spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ and helping its members live out the Christian faith. It is one of the best churches in Estonia which you must visit.


The church has been around for many decades, originating as a congregation of the Pentecostal Church of Finland, and was adopted by the Pentecostal Church of Estonia in 2014, when the church was incorporated into the Estonian Union of Pentecostal Churches and joined the Fellowship of Pentecostal Churches of Europe. The church is governed by a board of trustees and is presided over by its superintendent. This is why, it is considered one of the oldest churches in Estonia.


Here are some facts about the Tallinn Pentecost Church Eelim In Estonia: History,Facts, & Services.These facts will help you understand why it is on the list of the best churches in Estonia
• Tallinn Pentecost Church Eelim In Estonia holds regular worship services as well as family activities, and serves as a place of evangelism for the Pentecostal faith. • The church also hosts a number of events throughout the year such as Vacation Bible School, conferences, missions, and special events. • Through its open and vibrant atmosphere, the church has gained many members in the community. Services: • Sunday Worship

The church holds regular worship services on Sunday mornings and evenings. • Prayer Meetings: The church also host regular prayer meetings. • Community Outreach: The church strives to make Jesus Christ known to the community through various projects and activities. • Counselling and Mentoring: The church provides resources and support to its members to help them grow their faith.This beautiful church in Estonia has made a lot of significance in the past.

Explore Estonia most popular tourist destination with us. Tallinn Pentecost Church Eelim In Estonia: History,Facts, & Services,which is 0 km away from Estonia main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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Tallinn Estonia

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