Historical Monuments and Famous landmarks of Lyon, France

Here we provide you with a list of all Historical Monuments in Lyon through which you could easily get those monuments. Lyon’s distinctive skyline is full of landmarks and monuments. some of them contain more recent creations. Landmarks around the city of Lyon include fountains to churches. Here we recommend you a list of famous historical monuments of Lyon, which includes information related to its address and opening hours which could be beneficial for the visitors to reach there easily.     

List of All The Most Visited Monument in Lyon

1. Basilique Notre-Dame de Fourvière

It is Nicknamed as ‘the upside-down elephant’, this 19th-century church is one de Lyon’s most distinctive landmarks. Its architecture is a strange mix of architectural styles, including medieval, oriental, and neo-classical influences. Tours take a visit to the basilica’s Tour de observation, where visitors are rewarded with splendid views of Lyon.

famous historical monuments of Lyon, historical monuments of Lyon, monuments of Lyon

Address: Fourvière Hill, Lyon, France, FOR
Tel: +33 04 7825 8619
Open hours: daily, 10:00, 12:00, 14:00 and 17:00 – open for tours
Admission: free; charge for an observation tower visit

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2. Bartholdi Fountain

famous historical monuments of Lyon, historical monuments of Lyon, monuments of Lyon

The centerpiece of Lyon’s Place des Terreaux is quite eye-catching.  In the 19th-century it was designed and built by Frédéric-Auguste Bartholdi. Bartholdi is famous for created New York’s Statue of Liberty.

Contemporary fountains and illuminations have more recently been added, making this a charming place to stroll both during the day and in the evening.

Address: Place des Terreaux, Lyon, France, FR
Tel: +33 04 7238 8190
Open hours: daily open
Admission: free

3. Tour Metallique

famous historical monuments of Lyon, historical monuments of Lyon

Although it is impossible to visit inside this tower, through which its restaurant and lift now being closed to the public, though it remains one of the city’s most distinctive and unmissable landmarks de Lyon.

It was built just four years after the Eiffel Tower in Paris, there are obviously lots de comparisons to be made. Lyon’s version of the famous Parisian attraction is smaller, 80 meters/ 262 feet in height, and nowadays it is used as a television relay station.

Address: Montée Nicolas-de-Change, 69005, Lyon, France, FR
Tel: +33 04 7277 6969
Open hours: daily
Admission: free

4. Lyon Opera House

In 18th-century, the fine building Lyon Opera House was built in the neoclassical style to accommodate Lyon’s growing interest in operatic works. Lyon’s love of opera has survived the centuries and, in 1983, work began to allow larger audiences and bands to be accommodated. Its original structure and facades have been maintained. A tearoom and restaurant are open for the public.

Address: Place de la Comédie, Lyon, France, FR
Tel: +33 04 7200 4545
Open hours: daily – 11:00 to 19:00; Saturday only, for tours – 13:00 Admission: charge

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5. Place Bellecour

famous historical monuments of Lyon, historical monuments of Lyon, monuments of Lyon

This square is truly gigantic. It was laid out in the 17th century and is distinctive for its surface covering of bright red sand. There is a statue of the French king, Louis XIV, which is a much more favored photo opportunity for many. The Place Bellecour has become the most popular meeting place.

Address: Place Bellecour, 69002, Lyon, France, FR
Open hours: daily
Admission: free

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6. Fresque Des Lyonnais

famous historical monuments of Lyon, historical monuments of Lyon, monuments of Lyon

Looking up at the building on the corner of Rue de la Martinière and Quai de la Pêcherie and you might be surprised. Their twenty-five faces will look back at you. The seven-story high wall mural showcases contain some well-known and less well-known figures from the city’s past.

Other huge murals could be found in Lyon, including one on its public library and 25, painted on apartment blocks in the acclaimed housing estate designed by Lyonnais architect, Tony Garnier.

Address: Rue de la Martinière / Quai de la Pêcherie, Lyon, France, FR
Open hours: daily
Admission: free
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7. Traboules De La Croix Rousse

famous historical monuments of Lyon, historical monuments of Lyon, monuments of Lyon

‘Traboules’ is Lyon’s narrow passageways that connect the densely packed streets of its Croix Rousse district. Originally, they were built as shortcuts to allow the area’s silk workers to move quickly around, without getting their bolts of cloth wet.

Address: Pentes de la Croix Rousse, 69004, Lyon, France, FR
Open hours: daily
Admission: free
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Here we have provided detailed knowledge regarding the famous monuments of Lyon, if you are planning your trip to visit France then please go through our other articles as well,  there we have provided all the information required during a trip to France like the best hotel, restaurants, and places to visit. If you liked our post please like it,  comment in the below section, and share it.

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