Beth-Eden Wesleyan Church In Barbados: History,Facts, & Services

Beth-Eden Wesleyan Church in Barbados is one of the oldest churches on the island, having been founded in 1770. It is known for its unique combination of traditional and contemporary worship styles and an emphasis on social justice and service. The church provides a range of ministries and services, including pastoral care, educational opportunities, and programs for children, youth, and adults, as well as a variety of special events, seminars, and retreats. Beth-Eden Wesleyan Church is formerly part of the Barbados Methodist Church, a joint venture between the United Methodist Church and the Wesleyan Church of Barbados.

Explore Barbados most popular tourist destination with us. Beth-Eden Wesleyan Church In Barbados: History,Facts, & Services,which is 0 km away from Barbados main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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St. John Barbados

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