Tyrol Cot Heritage Village, Saint Michael In Barbados: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts


Tyrol Cot Heritage Village is a living museum that celebrates Barbados' rich history and culture through interactive exhibitions and educational programs. This privately run museum showcases vintage furniture, historic photographs, and artifacts from the 18th and 19th centuries. Guests can explore the intricately restored structures such as the grand chief's cottage, the kitchen cottage, and slave quarters. Other highlights include a sugar plantation, a rum distillery, and a restored plantation house. Cultural activities and classes such as music, dance, and cooking lessons are available for visitors of all ages. It is one of the most beautiful monuments in Barbados
Prominent Features:

• Tyrol Cot Heritage Village is an historic plantation estate located in Saint Michael, Barbados. It was built in the late 18th century by the Cash family. • The estate house is a massive two-storey Georgian-style structure made from mud and coral stones, with a verandah culminating in four gabled pavilions. Originally designed as an agricultural and entertainment complex, Tyrol Cot was home to a 19th century cotton gin. • The estate boasts a traditional Barbadian hamlet, complete with livestock and living quarters for 'cottagers' or 'rural servants', a carriage house, medicinal herb garden, sugar mill, viewing overlook, and a museum that houses various artifacts and exhibits from the plantation's heyday in the 18th century. • Tyrol Cot Heritage Village also hosts periodic events such as craft markets, Sunday religious services, local music concerts, and story-telling evenings, among others. It is also known for its vibrant Christmas celebrations, in which festive cheer is the backdrop for a lesson in Barbadian colonial history. • The view of Carlisle Bay from Tyrol Cot is a memorable sight--it is both peaceful and beautiful. Visitors of this heritage destination will not only have an opportunity to explore the past of Barbados in a fascinating way, but they will also be able to enjoy the scenic beauty of the island as well. You can learn history, culture, and heritage through these magnificent monuments in Barbados.


Tyrol Cot Heritage Village is a unique and historic attraction located in the parish of Saint Michael in Barbados. The village is comprised of 18th-century cottages that were originally the home of freed slaves. The village was established in 1813 and consists of 42 two-room cottages that were built in the late 18th or early 19th centuries. The cottages are located in an area of Barbados known as “the Alley”, which was part of a sugar-producing plantation owned by a planter called Mr. Thomas Tyrol. Tyrol was a successful planter and became well-known for his generous treatment of his freed slaves. He offered them up to four cottages in his plantation in an area called The Alley. This was made possible by the 1810 Slave Laws. The cottages of Tyrol Cot Heritage Village are unique as they are some of the few remaining examples of traditional Barbadian vernacular architecture. They feature a traditional colonial style and their distinctive shape has been described as resembling “a cupcake topped with a solid icing”. The cottages have been preserved and restored in order to show how many of Barbados’ freed slaves lived in the 19th century. The village now serves as a tourist attraction and a reminder of Barbados’ unique slave history. Visitors to the village can explore the cottages and learn about the history of the area and the inhabitants of the cottages. Visit one of the famous monuments of Barbados with your friends and family.

Interesting facts:

1. Tyrol Cot Heritage Village is the birthplace of the 8th Prime Minister of Barbados, the Right Exalted and Honorable Sir Errol Walton Barrow. 2. Built in the mid-19th century by freed slaves, the Tyrol Cot Heritage Village is the only intact Pre-Emancipation era village of its kind in Barbados. 3. It is the former home of the Barrow family and was the historical site of numerous events in the independence movement of Barbados. 4. The village is now a tourist hotspot and reflects the true Barbados in its architecture and lifestyle. 5. It was declared a national heritage park by the government in 2017. 6. Today, the village consists of 22 buildings and is used to host festivals and cultural events throughout the year. 7. The village is also home to a historical archive containing original documents and other relics from the island’s heritage. 8. The village is a great place to learn about Barbadian history and culture. One of the historical monuments of Barbados, it tells the story of a bygone era

Explore Barbados most popular tourist destination with us. Tyrol Cot Heritage Village, Saint Michael In Barbados: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts,which is 0 km away from Barbados main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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Tyrol Cot Heritage Village, Saint Michael, Barbados Barbados

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