Tiberias Church Indonesia In Indonesia: History,Facts, & Services

Tiberias Church Indonesia (Gereja Tiberias Indonesia) is one of the churches in Indonesia that promotes the spiritual life and Protestant theology found in the Bible. It was founded in 1980 and currently has over 46 churches across Indonesia. The church is supported by volunteers and missionaries from around the world who come to serve in the church and further the mission of spreading God’s Word. It is one of the best churches in Indonesia which you must visit.


Tiberias Church was established in 1980, by Pastor Waluyo Tiberias, an evangelist and church builder from Boyolali, Central Java. The church initially began with only 12 congregants, which grew to 28 and rapidly increased after that. In 1983, Tiberias Church was officially registered with the Department of Religious Affairs, and opened regular services in Jakarta in the same year. This is why, it is considered one of the oldest churches in Indonesia.


Here are some facts about the Tiberias Church Indonesia In Indonesia: History,Facts, & Services.These facts will help you understand why it is on the list of the best churches in Indonesia
-Tiberias Church Indonesia is the fastest growing non-denominational church in Indonesia. -It has over 46 churches across Indonesia. -It has served more than 80,000 followers and tens of thousands of volunteer workers since its origin in 1980. -It is led by Pastor Waluyo Tiberias and is supported by volunteers and missionaries from around the world.

Tiberias Church Indonesia provides various services for their members. These include worship services, church seminars and bible studies, visitation and missionary work, youth meetings, and other resources to assist those in need. They also engage in social welfare activities, such as providing scholarships and education to poverty-stricken children, disadvantaged women, and homeless people. Additionally, Tiberias Church works to spread the message of Christianity in Indonesia through mission trips, as well as its own radio station.This beautiful church in Indonesia has made a lot of significance in the past.

Explore Indonesia most popular tourist destination with us. Tiberias Church Indonesia In Indonesia: History,Facts, & Services,which is 0 km away from Indonesia main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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