Evangel Tabernacle - United Holy Church of America In Barbados: History,Facts, & Services

, Evangel Tabernacle - United Holy Church of America In Barbados is an independent church located in Barbados. The church is affiliated with the United Holy Church of America. The church was founded in 1898 and is the oldest existing church under the United Holy Church of America in Barbados. It serves its local community by offering Spiritual Growth, Healing Ministry and Prayer Workshops. It also provides Spiritual Teaching and Family Care services to its parishioners. It also holds different activities such as Vacation Bible School, Sunday Worship Services and Community Outreach programs. It is also actively involved in charitable and missionary works throughout the Caribbean region.

Explore Barbados most popular tourist destination with us. Evangel Tabernacle - United Holy Church of America In Barbados: History,Facts, & Services,which is 0 km away from Barbados main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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