Dragão do Mar Center of Art and Culture, Fortaleza In Brazil: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts


Dragão do Mar Center of Art and Culture is located in the heart of Fortaleza, the capital of the Brazilian state of Ceará. The center celebrates art, culture, music and sports in an inspiring and creative atmosphere. It hosts a variety of special events, exhibitions, conferences, shows, fairs and workshops. The center is divided into several distinct areas: the Cultural Center, the Educational Center, the Plaza of Sculptures and the Museum of Contemporary Art (Museu de Arte Conteporânea). The museum is known throughout Brazil for its inspiring exhibitions and educational activities. Visitors can enjoy a variety of diverse exhibitions which explore modern Brazilian and international art. Additionally, the Museum of Contemporary Art offers guided tours, lectures and other educational activities. The plaza of sculpture garden is a great spot to enjoy some outdoor relaxation and appreciate art. The grounds feature a variety of installations and sculptures created by Brazilian and international artists. This public space is open year round and is free to the public. The Educational Center provides a variety of educational programs, including workshops and seminars in music, art, literature, philosophy and more. Additionally, the center hosts conferences and other events throughout the year. The Dragão do Mar Center of Art and Culture is a great way to explore and appreciation of Brazilian and international art and culture. This multi-faceted space provides a unique and enriching experience to all who visit. It is one of the most beautiful monuments in Brazil
Prominent Features:

The Dragão do Mar Center of Art and Culture in Fortaleza, Brazil is one of the most prominent cultural and art centers in the country. It consists of several distinct areas, including a cinema, an interactive center, an art gallery, a children's museum, and a theater. The cinema screens over 80 feature films every year, from both local and international filmmakers. The interactive center is a technology-driven space that encourages visitors to learn about the culture and history of the region through virtual reality and touch-screen activities. The art gallery showcases contemporary and historical works from Brazilian artists. The children's museum is a fun and educational space geared to teach young children about different aspects of Brazilian culture. Finally, the theater is used for events such as live theater, dance performances, and music shows. You can learn history, culture, and heritage through these magnificent monuments in Brazil.


Dragão do Mar Center of Art and Culture (Portuguese: Centro Dragão do Mar de Arte e Cultura) is a cultural and leisure center in Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil. Located in the Varjota neighborhood, it is one of the symbols of the revitalization of downtown Fortaleza. The complex includes seven distinct areas and offers recreation, culture, education and entertainment activities, year-round. The Dragão do Mar Center of Art and Culture was founded in 1984, on the initiative of the city of Fortaleza. The center opened in 1989 in a former industrial area, which included 16 buildings. The reutilization of these abandoned spaces to create a cultural center was part of the city's urban renewal plans. The goal for Dragão do Mar Center was to develop a cultural complex to provide Fortaleza citizens with space to enjoy leisure activities and educational projects. Initially the center was primarily used for leisure activities, such as movies screenings, theatre productions, music performances, art exhibitions and traditional events. In 2004, Dragão do Mar Center was expanded to include a new wing, dedicated to contemporary art. This expansion was part of the city's larger effort to promote contemporary art and culture in the region. Since its inception, Dragão do Mar Center of Art and Culture has become an institution that works to promote art and culture in many ways, offering workshops, seminars, and exhibitions year-round. The center also works to develop educational programs, such as language courses, and computer courses, which benefit the local community. Today, Dragão do Mar Center of Art and Culture remains a vibrant cultural and leisure hub in Fortaleza. The center continues to promote art, culture, education, and leisure activities, in partnership with local organizations and institutions. Visit one of the famous monuments of Brazil with your friends and family.

Interesting facts:

1. Dragão do Mar Center of Art and Culture was opened in the year 2000. 2. It is located in the city of Fortaleza in the State of Ceará, Brazil. 3. This center offers a variety of cultural attractions, such as movies, theater, music, art exhibitions, and dance. 4. The name Dragão do Mar is Portuguese for "Sea Dragon”. 5. As one of the first centers of contemporary art, culture, and entertainment in Latin America, Dragão do Mar serves as a model for other projects in Brazil and abroad. 6. The building was designed by architects Otto Lopez and Jorge Atraxas in 1997, following the guidelines for urbanism in Fortaleza. 7. The complex consists of an open-air space, a theater, and an auditorium with a total area of 960 square meters. 8. During its eighteen years of existence, the Dragão do Mar Center of Art and Culture has hosted more than 180 exhibitions, over 1,000 musical shows, and over 2,500 theater performances. 9. An important feature of this cultural center is its promotion of local artists. 10. The Dragão do Mar Center of Art and Culture was awarded the prize for Best Cultural Center in Brazil in 2018 by Fundação Cultural Palmares, a Governmental Agency devoted to the promotion of Brazilian culture. One of the historical monuments of Brazil, it tells the story of a bygone era

Explore Brazil most popular tourist destination with us. Dragão do Mar Center of Art and Culture, Fortaleza In Brazil: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts,which is 0 km away from Brazil main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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