St. George Parish Church, Saint George In Barbados: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts


St. George Parish Church is a historic Anglican parish church located in the parish of St. George in Barbados. The church was founded in the mid 17th century and has been in continuous use since that time. The church has undergone several restorations over the years, most notably in 1762 when a new spire and bell were added to the church. The current structure of the church dates to the late 19th century and is a combination of Gothic, Romanesque and Victorian styles, incorporating some of the original 17th-century construction. The church is known for its beautiful stained glass windows and a number of significant monuments, including a monument to the first Prime Minister of Barbados, Henry Edward McCatty, and a bronze bust of the first Bishop of Barbados, Alexander Dutton Pentland. It is one of the most beautiful monuments in Barbados
Prominent Features:

The most prominent feature of St. George Parish Church is its tower which dates back to 1680. This square tower is topped by a cupola and houses a clock which is still in use today. The churchyard is home to a number of monuments and memorials, including a stone cross which originally stood in the middle of Bridgetown. The church is built in a Georgian style and was one of the first churches built in Barbados. It was restored in 1984 and continues to be used for services and for concerts. The historic church also hosts a number of events throughout the year. You can learn history, culture, and heritage through these magnificent monuments in Barbados.


St. George Parish, located in the south of Barbados, close to the Caribbean Sea, became the first Anglican parish in Barbados in 1627. This parish was created for the purpose of providing spiritual guidance and comfort to the English settlers who moved to the island from England and Ireland. Before its establishment, these settlers had to conduct religious services at their own plantations. The first parish church was officially built in 1628 by the efforts of Reverend Worsley, the first Anglican minister in the island. The building was dedicated to St. George and a brass inscription at the time of the consecration states: “This Church was built Anno Domini 1628 when the earth trembled and the dead men of Barbados did arise”. This inscription is still visible today at the south porch of the existing church. The present church was constructed in 1800 and later underwent renovation during the 1950s. It is built in the traditional style of the day with large white stone walls and quoins. The grounds of the church were also renovated and the graves of many of the early settlers are found here. It is home to one of the oldest bells in Barbados and was the original diocesan centre for the Church of England in Barbados. The church is closely associated with many figures related to the history of Barbados, including former Prime Minister Errol Barrow and poet Frank Collymore. It has also hosted many royal visits, including by the late Princess Margaret and Queen Elizabeth II. St. George's Church is the spiritual home of many of the people living in Barbados and continues to be a part of the island's culture today. Visit one of the famous monuments of Barbados with your friends and family.

Interesting facts:

1. St. George Parish Church is the oldest Anglican church in Barbados. It was founded in 1627 and is still actively used for religious services. 2. St. George Parish Church is the oldest surviving Anglican church in the Western Hemisphere. 3. Every June 24th, the church celebrates St. George's Day with a service in its churchyard. 4. St. George Parish Church has a large stained glass window that was donated by the Royal Navy. 5. The 14 stained glass windows in the church date from 1868. 6. The church clock was donated by Admiral Frederick Warren in 1876. 7. The bell in the belfry tower dates back to 1836. 8. The original church was destroyed by a hurricane in 1926 and had to be reconstructed in 1927. 9. St. George's Parish Church was the first Anglican Church in Barbados to install electricity in its interior. 10. St. George Parish Church is located on historic sites such as the cemetery where many prominent people such as Thomas Westcott, the first President of Barbados, are buried. One of the historical monuments of Barbados, it tells the story of a bygone era

Explore Barbados most popular tourist destination with us. St. George Parish Church, Saint George In Barbados: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts,which is 0 km away from Barbados main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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