St. Roch's Church, Vienna In Austria: History,Facts, & Services

St. Roch's Church, Vienna is a Roman Catholic church located in Vienna, Austria. It is dedicated to the patron saint of Vienna, St. Roch. The church was built in 1691 and is one of the oldest churches in Vienna. The interior of the church is ornately decorated and includes several paintings, statuettes, and frescoes. The main feature of the church is a statue of St. Roch at the entrance, which is believed to have been donated by the famous composer Mozart. Services at St. Roch's Church include Mass, Baptism and Confession.

Explore Austria most popular tourist destination with us. St. Roch's Church, Vienna In Austria: History,Facts, & Services,which is 0 km away from Austria main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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