Oude Kerk - Amsterdam - Facts , History and Travel Guide

The Oude Kerk, or Old Church, is a historic landmark located in the heart of Amsterdam, Netherlands. This stunning church boasts an impressive history that dates back to the 13th century and is characterized by its Gothic architecture, large stained glass windows, and ornate decorations. Today, the Oude Kerk is a popular destination for visitors to Amsterdam, offering a fascinating glimpse into the city's rich history and cultural heritage. In this blog, we'll take a closer look at the facts, history, and travel guide for the Oude Kerk, and why it should be on every traveler's must-see list.

The Oude Kerk (Old Church) is a historic church located in the heart of Amsterdam, Netherlands. Here are some facts, history, and travel guide for the Oude Kerk:


  • The Oude Kerk is Amsterdam's oldest building and oldest parish church, built in the early 14th century.
  • The church's distinctive tower, which stands at 75 meters high, was added in the mid-16th century.
  • The Oude Kerk is built in Gothic style architecture and is characterized by its large stained glass windows, elaborate vaulted ceilings, and ornate decorations.
  • Over the years, the church has undergone several renovations and additions, including the addition of a choir and transept in the 15th century.
  • Today, the Oude Kerk is primarily used for concerts, exhibitions, and other cultural events.


The Oude Kerk has a long and fascinating history, which dates back to the 13th century. Originally, the church was built as a small chapel to serve the fishermen and traders who lived in the area. However, as Amsterdam grew in size and importance, the chapel was expanded and transformed into a full-fledged parish church.

Over the years, the Oude Kerk has played an important role in the religious and cultural life of Amsterdam. It was the site of numerous weddings, baptisms, and funerals, as well as important civic events. It was also a center for art and culture, attracting many famous artists and musicians over the centuries.

Travel Guide:

The Oude Kerk is located in the heart of Amsterdam's historic city center, making it easily accessible by foot, bike, or public transportation. Visitors can explore the church's rich history and architecture by taking a guided tour or attending one of the many cultural events held there throughout the year.

Some of the highlights of a visit to the Oude Kerk include:

  • The church's impressive stained glass windows, which date back to the 16th and 17th centuries.
  • The grand organ, which was built in the mid-17th century and is still used for concerts today.
  • The historic gravestones and memorials, which offer a glimpse into Amsterdam's rich history.
  • The tower, which offers stunning views of the city and surrounding area.

Overall, the Oude Kerk is a must-see destination for anyone visiting Amsterdam, offering a fascinating glimpse into the city's past and present.


