South Pacific Evangelical Fellowship In Fiji: History,Facts, & Services

The South Pacific Evangelical Fellowship (SPEF) is a dedicated group of Christians that seek to engage in fellowship, fellowship service, and spiritual education in the South Pacific. SPEF was founded in 1953 by a group of evangelical Christians in Australia and developed as a collaborative effort by Christians from New Zealand, Australia, Fiji, Vanuatu and the Solomon Islands. SPEF has held numerous conferences and training seminars to promote evangelism, support and service to those in the South Pacific who are underserved. SPEF provides fellowship and training activities to equip, strengthen and extend the evangelistic ministries of all Christian believers in the South Pacific. The aim of the organisation is to aid the growth and development of the Church in the South Pacific. History The South Pacific Evangelical Fellowship was formed in 1953 by Australian brothers Alan and Fritz Bicker. The organization was later formalized in 1961 by Bob Reghenzani and was registered with the Victoria government in 1963. By 1972, SPEF had expanded to include membership in New Zealand, Fiji, Vanuatu and the Solomon Islands. In 1981, SPEF was incorporated in the Commonwealth of Australia with a newly formed Board of Directors. SPEF has since continued to grow with branches in the United States and New Zealand, as well as local branches throughout the South Pacific. Facts - SPEF works to promote the growth and development of the Church in the South Pacific. - SPEF is an entirely voluntary organization with no paid staff. - SPEF has members in Australia, New Zealand, Fiji, Vanuatu and the Solomon Islands. - SPEF works to train and equip Christian believers in the South Pacific for evangelism and fellowship activities. - SPEF hosts conferences, seminars and workshops throughout the South Pacific. Services - SPEF provides conferences, seminars and workshops on Christian discipleship and evangelism. - SPEF publishes evangelism and service materials to the local Church. - SPEF provides local networks of fellowship and spiritual support. - SPEF offers prayer support and resources. - SPEF encourages fellowship activities such as youth groups and family camps.

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